Obsolescence noun the process of becoming obsolete or outdated and no longer used; becoming antiquated, out of date, old-fashioned, no longer in general use, or no longer useful, or the condition of being in such a state. “computers are infamous for their rapid obsolescence” Cognitive adjective relating to relating to the mental process involved in…

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Future-Fit and the Impact Trust held the first “Resilience at Work” focus group conversations with Pioneer Companies last week. This collaborative effort seeks to explore how resilience is defined and operationalised in the context of people at work, collectively, and what intentional (formal) and spontaneous (accidental or informal) practices are understood to be supportive of…

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The nature of work is changing before our eyes. Cars can now drive themselves, drones can deliver medical supplies to previously unreachable areas, and robots can perform surgical procedures with 3D printed body parts. It’s mind-blowing and terrifying all at the same time. As more and more jobs become automated by advancing technology, skills that…

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